Pillars of Action
Our pillars guide the actions we take to create the American government our nation and citizens deserve.
Strengthen and Expand Civic Engagement
Inform citizens about meaning of the oath and showcase examples of responsible leadership.
Ensure healthy civil-military relations and discourse.
Engage in and support peaceful protest, while opposing violent protest.
Hold elected officials responsible for their oath of office.
Hold Elected and Non-Elected Public Officials Accountable for Operating within the Framework of the Constitution
Faithful discharge and execution of office requires protecting basic human and civil rights and liberties, stewarding the environment, and reducing civil tensions, rather than inflaming them.
Preservation of the Republic requires that Public Officials support democratic institutions, observe democratic norms, and adhere to the rule of law.
Protect the Integrity of Elections and Americans’ Faith in the Process
Democracy requires voter engagement. Public Officials have a responsibility to maximize voter participation, and should work to make it is easier for all citizens to vote.
Advocate for the right to vote by mail.
Monitor and stand against voter intimidation.
Protect the Non-Partisan Character of National Defense
National defense is a constitutionally enshrined public good that needs to transcend partisan politics.
Support Efforts to Expand Public Service Opportunities
Public service is a core tenet of civic engagement.
All Veterans have felt firsthand the rewarding benefits of being part of something bigger than themselves. This feeling is something that all Americans should have the opportunity to be a part of.
Veterans know the personal and societal good that comes from being a part of a cause bigger than oneself. The privilege of service should be accessible to all Americans.